3D Breast Portrait Simulation

See the body you have always wanted with the help of 3D breast portrait simulation in Tampa Bay. For the first time, you can see the results of your breast augmentation procedure before the surgery. Portrait 3D – Surgical Simulation Platform allows you to visualize how different implants will shape your body. Do you want to see what going from an A cup to a C/D cup looks like? You will be able to see it instantly.

3D Breast Simulator

Call Eberbach Plastic Surgery at (727) 868-4490 to schedule your 3D breast portrait simulation

The Benefits of 3D Breast Portrait Simulation

With the help of this state-of-the-art imaging technology. Patients can gain a full understanding of their results before they decide to undergo breast enhancement surgery. In the past, only physical measurements and two-dimensional photographs used to ascertain potential results. Now, thanks to Portrait 3D’s modeling system,. Each patient’s unique characteristics can easily factored into the projected final results. These include age, body type, and precise shape and volume measurements.

One key measurement is Breast Width Diameter (BWD). This measurement of the current width of each of your breasts helps in selecting implants that the breasts can effectively support and accommodate. With 3D breast portrait simulation, patients can now easily see the results. They would experience with saline or silicone implants and round or anatomical (teardrop) implants. Additionally, the results of different breast implant sizes, profiles, and placements can visualized.

Not only does this technology help the patient better visualize their results. But it also aids surgeons in the creation of a surgical plan. This makes it much easier for them to achieve each patient’s unique aesthetic goals. The precision of 3D imaging also greatly reduces the chance that revision breast surgeries will required after primary breast augmentation.

How 3D Technology Works?

Firstly, during your breast augmentation consultation. Seondly, your detailed image capture and upload using Portrait 3D’s advanced technology. Thirdly, within a few minutes, the 3D  Portrait recreates your body in photo-realistic 3D. Then the 3D image can be rotated, allowing for viewing from any angle.

Later this image adjusts based on the given preferences and goals. Additionally allowing our surgeons to show you the outcome of your breast augmentation procedure. Choose different types of implants, different implant sizes, and different shapes to see the “new you.” Before and After images can be viewed for comparative purposes. Furthermore, you can even compare and contrast your Before image against several potential After images.

Moreover, our surgeons will explain your options in detail. To help you choose your ideal implants and view your potential results. Subsequently, they will answer any questions you may have. Lastly, the 3D Portrait will help educate you during the implant selection and enhance your consultation experience. Helps you choose the perfect implants that suit you and your body.

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