Eberbach, Mark eberbach.com

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IBI Eberbach

My Breast Augmentation Journey | From Consultation, Surgery Day to Recovery

my breast augmentation journey

My Breast Augmentation Journey My breast augmentation journey starts with a virtual consultation.  Scheduling consultation for breast-related procedures often the hardest step. Greetings, my name is Leah, and I am one of the Patient Coordinators at Eberbach Plastic Surgery. I was a patient myself about 9 years ago. I understand how scary it is to […]

Breast Augmentation Recovery – Post Operative Care Guidelines, Tips and Tricks

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast Augmentation Recovery – Procedure Overview If breast augmentation is in your future, putting some thought into your post-surgical care is an important step to ensuring your recovery is as stress-free as possible. Starting at your pre-operative appointment, a nurse will give you specific instructions for surgery day and recovery. All questions and concerns will […]

What to Expect/Preparing for Surgery

The first step in the process is scheduling your consultation. This can be done via text, email, phone or sometimes livechat. One of our caring patient coordinators will go over any questions you have as well as information, including pricing, before you come in. If you schedule your consultation, the consultation usually takes about 1 […]

Silicone vs Saline Implants

Silicone vs Saline If you are considering a breast augmentation, you may be wondering what the differences are between silicone gel implants and saline implants. There are several differences between both, the most common being the feel. Most women who want more natural feeling and looking breasts will select the silicone gel implants. Cost was […]

Breast Augmentation-Myths and Misconceptions

MYTH: Silicone is not safe and will harm you. TRUTH: Silicone, also known as “gel”, actually has the exact same outer shell and safety rating as the saline implants. The only difference is what’s inside, saline is saltwater and the silicone is a cohesive gel. If you were to ever get a rupture with the […]

Need a lift?

Dr. Eberbach performs over 300 breast surgeries each year. In fact, he is actually in the top 1% in Florida for breast augmentations Many women who are considering enlarging their breasts believe that a breast augmentation will lift their breasts as well. This is a common misconception. A breast augmentation will add volume, but will […]