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Text: (727) 213-8828

IBI Eberbach

Face & Neck Lift

A lower face and neck lift is the most comprehensive approach to treating facial sagging caused by aging. A face and neck lift removes excess skin, tightens underlying tissues and muscle, and redrapes skin on the face and neck. It can correct midface sagging, marionette lines, jowls, and a double chin, maintaining its reputation as the ‘gold standard’ for facial rejuvenation. The neck is one of the first places where we show our age. Fatty jowls, a “turkey wattle,” vertical banding, and horizontal creases all work together to make us look older than we feel. A neck lift enhances the appearance of the neck by tightening the skin and underlying muscles and improving the contour of the jawline.

Face & Neck Lift Procedure Overview

This procedure is usually performed in conjunction with a facelift, but may also be done as a stand-alone procedure. It is very common to also combine facial fat grafting with a face and neck lift. As we age we lose volume in our face, facial fat grafting corrects that. Our surgeons will harvest fat from a different part of the body and then inject the fat into the areas of the face that are lacking. Common areas include the cheeks, under the eyes, and lips. Fat grafting can also be done as a stand-alone procedure. Many patients will also add an upper eyelid lift to their face and neck lift.

When to Consider a Face & Neck Lift Procedure?

  • If you would like to tighten your jowls for a firmer jawline.
  • If you want to smooth and tighten the loose skin on your neck.
  • If you feel that you have facial volume loss in your cheeks and under your eyes.
  • If you would like to smooth out your neck muscles for less vertical neck banding.
  • If you feel that your face does not reflect your youthful spirit and energy level.

Before and After

Face and Neck Lift
Face and Neck Lift

Face & Neck Lift Procedure Guide

  • General anesthesia will be administered to the patient. The surgery takes place in our accredited surgery center that is connected to the building.
  • Our surgeon will begin creating incisions once the patient is under general anesthesia. Facelift incisions may be made at the hairline near the temples and may curve around the ear and end at the lower scalp.
  • A neck lift incision is located behind the ear. There can also be an incision under the chin; this will be decided during the consultation.
  • After creating the incisions, excess skin and fat will be removed. Tissues will be lifted to rejuvenate the patient’s face and neck, and sagging neck muscles will be tightened. The incisions will be closed with sutures and skin tape.

Face & Neck Lift Procedure Recovery Process

After a face & neck lift, the patient should heal in a span of 4 to 6 weeks. Most patients with a desk job will return to work after about a week. You will be required to go back to see our surgeon the day after surgery and a week after to have the stitches removed. Swelling and bruising are normal. The patient can carefully apply a cold compress (no ice packs) and take pain medication as prescribed. After 7 to 10 days, you may resume your regular activities. Working out is allowed after 6 weeks, although heavy lifting and vigorous running are not advised.

Face & Neck Lift Procedure Consultation

We try to make each consultation at our office as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. A face & neck lift consultation will involve a detailed conversation with our surgeons about your appearance goals. The surgical techniques that match your preferences will be discussed in detail to help you visualize the possible outcome. Since each person experiences different types of skin aging, it is important to set realistic expectations. We have each patient provide a complete medical history, including current prescriptions, to help our surgeons evaluate their eligibility for the procedure. We do require medical clearance for any patient over the age of 50 and any younger patients who have medical problems.

Arrange Your Consultation Today

Interested in learning more about the Face & Neck Lift procedure, and detailed pricing. Call us at (727) 868-4490 or schedule your consultation. Our surgeons will be available to assess your face and neck and can help you achieve your desired appearance.