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Say goodbye to your “dad bod” and get a daddy-do-over. A daddy-do-over is the male version of a mommy makeover. Being a parent is not required—a daddy-do-over is an option for any man who wants to restore their younger body. A daddy-do-over is a comprehensive combination of procedures used to improve a man’s overall physique. The procedures will be customized to meet your appearance goals.

What is a Daddy-Do-Over?

A daddy-do-over includes procedures that help you return to a younger-looking physique. The procedures and treatments included in a daddy-do-over are different for everyone. The procedure is highly individualized to match the concerns and goals of each patient.

Which Procedures and Treatments Can Be Included?

A few popular procedures recommended in a daddy-do-over are gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction); liposuction in the abdomen, flanks, and inner thighs; and a tummy tuck.

The goal of gynecomastia treatment is to reduce breast size in men who are embarrassed by their large breasts. The surgeon’s goal is to give the patient a firmer more masculine contour so that the patient is comfortable and confident. Reduction methods include liposuction, cutting out excess glandular tissue, or using a combination of liposuction and excision.

It is very common to add liposuction to other procedures, such as gynecomastia surgery. Liposuction, also referred to as “lipo,” is a cosmetic surgery procedure that sculpts your body by removing fat from it. A small puncture is made in the skin, and a tool called a cannula is inserted to loosen fat cells and suction them out. Common areas for fat removal for men include the stomach, flanks, lower back, and thighs. Recovery from liposuction is usually minimal; most patients with desk jobs only take a few days off.

It is a common misconception that tummy tucks are only for women. It is common for men to get tummy tucks as well, especially after massive weight loss. The surgeons at Eberbach Plastic Surgery understand the specific techniques needed to give men the look they want without a feminine outcome. A male tummy tuck removes excess skin of the lower abdomen to contour the midsection. Our surgeons include liposuction of the abdomen and flanks, as well as tightening abdominal muscles (if needed). The final result is a flatter, tighter, and more chiseled abdomen.

To enhance the face, patients can include a neck lift, facelift, brow lift, and even nose reshaping. It is also very common for patients to add Botox or filler to their face to create a more youthful appearance. Patients will often add fillers to the jawline for better definition.

Who is the Candidate for a Daddy-Do-Over?

The best candidates for a daddy-do-over are healthy individuals who want to improve their face and body after experiencing lifestyle- and aging-related changes over time. Since a daddy-do-over is a comprehensive procedure, it is best for men who want to address numerous issues in a single surgical session.

  • A daddy-do-over is highly recommended for men who don’t have time for multiple recovery periods. Combining multiple procedures in one appointment allows patients to experience only a single recovery period, minimizing downtime and cost.
  • Like all surgical procedures, daddy-do-over patients should ideally have a BMI of 30 or less to reduce the chance of complications during and after the procedure.
  • Quit smoking for at least four to six weeks before your daddy-do-over appointment, and avoid drinking alcohol for at least 48 hours beforehand. Choosing a healthier lifestyle before undergoing the procedures will help you experience a faster and smoother recovery.

The Recovery Process

The details of the recovery period after a daddy-do-over will depend on the procedures included in your surgical session. Bruising and swelling will be present, and you may need to wear post-surgical garments to improve contouring. Cold compresses can be used to reduce swelling. Medications will also be prescribed to help you experience a safe recovery.

Time off from work will likely be required. Depending on the procedure, time off work ranges from a few days to two weeks. Walking and light cardio can be resumed after four weeks, sometimes shorter depending on the procedure performed. Avoid strenuous activities until six weeks after your daddy-do-over.

You will need to come in for several post-op visits to remove sutures, check your healing progress, and address any complications. Once the recovery process is complete and all swelling has faded, you will be able to enjoy your full daddy-do-over results.

How Much Does a Daddy-Do-Over Cost?

The total cost of a daddy-do-over will depend on the exact procedures included. The number of hours needed to complete your surgery can also affect the total price. At your consultation, you will be given a quote with financing options for the procedure recommended by your surgeon.

Daddy-Do-Over Consultation

A daddy-do-over consultation will involve an in-depth conversation about your appearance goals. Our surgeons will discuss your complete medical history to confirm your eligibility for the procedures. We do require any patient who is over the age of 50 to obtain medical clearance from their primary care physician. During the consultation, your face and body concerns will be assessed.

Then, our surgeons will recommend the best combination of procedures to help you achieve your dream face and body. The surgical techniques will be explained in detail to help you visualize the possible results. Questions are highly encouraged. Afterward, the list of special instructions will be given towards the end of the consultation to help you prepare for your daddy-do-over appointment. Please follow these instructions carefully.

Arrange Your Consultation Today

To start your daddy-do-over journey. For more about pricing and financing options, call us at (727) 868-4490 or schedule your consultation. Our surgeons will be available to confirm your eligibility for a daddy-do-over in Tampa Bay and can recommend the ideal procedures for you.